European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2560Go comes Westby Francis Roads1972
2816Les échecs chinoisJoseph Boyer1948
3072Chess machinesDale Hoopingarner2006
2561Go : Francis Roads annotates a master game in this new series for the average playerby Francis Roads1978
2817Le jeux des échecs chinoisHeydebrand von der Lasa1890
3073How the game endsby Stuart Dowsey1973
2562Go, het boeiende omsingelingsspel[A.P.H.] Schilp1965
2818Philosophical discussions on the game of weiqi in the times of the Warring States and the Han DynastyP. Zanon1996
3074Cutting and connectingby Stuart Dowsey1974
259Turnierbulletin II. Deutsche Meisterschaft im Go1966
2563The implementation of a go boardSoule, S1978
2819Leao-tchetraduit et annoté par Rolf Stein1940
3075Revolt!Christopher Anvil1958
260Turnierbulletin der X. Go-Einzelmeisterschaft der DDR vom 2.4.74 Bis 12.4.74 in JenaVorwort von Dietrich Eckert1974
2564Geestelijke krachtmeting : go, het oudste spel ter wereldJ. Stuurman1974
2820Tussen schaken en go : barrière voor kunstmatige intelligentieDavid A. Mechner1998
3076Go : forget the bluff tactics of poker, the medieval strategy of chessby J.A. Maxtone Graham1967
5Chen king de kien loungCouvreur, S1896
261Turnierbulletin der V. Deutschen Go-Einzelmeisterschaft vom 26.3 bis 4.4.1969 in Dresden1969
1285WiskunstmatighedenF. van der Blijs.a.

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