European Go Cultural Center

Upgraded paper Go Sets

Name:Upgraded paper Go Sets
Contributor:Kalli Balduin

Project description:

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The idea is to let beginners, especially children make there own Go set, after having learned the game. With a 'normal' Paper Go Set, they will be happy some short time, because they will encounter the difficulty in picking up the captured stones from the board. They easily move other stones, while taking the captured stones and this might lead to a dispute over the situation. This might be the end of their first experience playing the game on their own, without having an experienced player, who could help. But if you glue a little 1x1 cm cardboard under the paper stones, you can easily tip one side of the stone and pick it up. Simple but with a great effect. Give the children a piece of cardboard, let them cut the pieces and glue them on the paper stones. This will give them their first selfmade Go set, which will be hold as a little treasure and not end up as another something they'd be given.

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Project aim:

The aim is to provide beginners or interested people with a simple but smartly upgradet version of the paper Go sets, given by national organisations as 'give aways' to beginners, children and interested people.

Means of the project:

Normal paper Go Sets, cardboard, scissors, glue.

Geographic extension:Schools, clubs


The result are happy children with selfmade Go sets, that is really playable, where you can really pick up the stones from the board. The idea is to give something with immediate effect. Children or beginners learned the game but cannot enjoy their new interest with a proper Go set. With the upgraded version they can enjoy many games and learn about the beauty of Go, and maybe decide to buy proper stones. Especially for children from families with lower income, this might be a step to raise their interest in the game, because they have it at home and can play properly.

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Public exposure:

This project is not specially for media but for people who are interested in promoting the game.

Human resources:

It takes the paper Go sets, cardboard, scissors, glue and some time to do the cutting and glueing. Then you are ready to Go!

Financial resources:

Very low, just the paper Go sets, which are often given as gifts for interested people by national Go organisations, Cardboard can be found easily, glue and scissors are usually around.



There's no limit in spreading this simple idea to let people everywhere have some firstexperiences of Go at home, without investing money immediately.


More paper Go sets!

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Additonal comments:

As an experienced Go teacher for many years now, I myself was surprised after doing this 'upgrading' of stones of the effects. Many more children play regular and tell me that they introduced the game at home to their whole family and telling me, that they could really play good games with their selfmade Go sets. If I do introductory Go classes, all the children get the paper Go sets with a piece of cardboard. And it works, they do it themselves, they cut, glue and play! And they are happy and proud showing their families what they learned and made themselves.

© European Go Cultural Centre 2016